Spatial distribution of kiwifruit quality and yield as affected by edaphoclimatic factors in northwest Portugal

2022-09-21T11:58:47+01:00Julho 1, 2022|Categories: Publicações Científicas|Tags: , , , |

Spatial distribution of kiwifruit quality and yield as affected by edaphoclimatic factors in [...]

Spatial distribution of kiwifruit quality and yield as affected by edaphoclimatic factors in northwest Portugal

2023-10-19T15:36:23+01:00Dezembro 17, 2021|Categories: Comunicações Científicas|Tags: , , |

Spatial distribution of kiwifruit quality and yield as affected by edaphoclimatic factors in [...]

Essential oils of spontaneous species of the genus Lavandula from Portugal: a brief review

2021-12-17T11:14:53+00:00Dezembro 17, 2021|Categories: Publicações Científicas|Tags: , , , |

Essential oils of spontaneous species of the genus Lavandula from Portugal: a brief [...]

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