Understanding attitudes towards the adoption of nature-based solutions and policy priorities shaped by stakeholders’ awareness of climate change

2022-09-21T10:02:10+01:00Fevereiro 10, 2022|Categories: Publicações Científicas|Tags: , |

Understanding attitudes towards the adoption of nature-based solutions and policy priorities shaped by [...]

Perceived and effective challenges faced by stakeholders due to the implementation of nature-based solutions

2022-09-21T12:29:05+01:00Dezembro 22, 2021|Categories: Comunicações Científicas|Tags: |

Perceived and effective challenges faced by stakeholders due to the implementation of nature-based [...]

Assessing stakeholders perceptions on adequate nature-based solutions for two Portuguese cities

2022-09-21T12:22:17+01:00Dezembro 22, 2021|Categories: Comunicações Científicas|Tags: , |

Assessing stakeholders perceptions on adequate nature-based solutions for two Portuguese cities III [...]

Stakeholders engagement on nature-based solutions: A systematic literature review

2021-12-17T10:27:10+00:00Dezembro 17, 2021|Categories: Publicações Científicas|Tags: , |

Stakeholders engagement on nature-based solutions: A systematic literature review Ferreira, V., Barreira, [...]

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