Biodegradable Active Packaging Enriched with Essential Oils for Enhancing the Shelf Life of Strawberries

2023-06-30T17:12:45+01:00Março 20, 2023|Categories: Publicações Científicas|Tags: , , , , , |

Biodegradable Active Packaging Enriched with Essential Oils for Enhancing the Shelf Life of [...]

1-Methylcyclopropene and lemongrass essential oil nanocoatings effect on the preservation of cold stored ‘Rocha’ pear

2022-09-20T16:17:19+01:00Junho 6, 2022|Categories: Publicações Científicas|Tags: , , , , |

1-Methylcyclopropene and lemongrass essential oil nanocoatings effect on the preservation of cold stored [...]

Effectiveness of nanoemulsions of clove and lemongrass essential oils and their major components against Escherichia coli and Botrytis cinerea

2021-12-17T10:10:56+00:00Dezembro 17, 2021|Categories: Publicações Científicas|Tags: , , , |

Effectiveness of nanoemulsions of clove and lemongrass essential oils and their major components against Escherichia coli and Botrytis [...]

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